The original file was from a Japanese website for the MMORPG Final Fantasy XI which I got many years ago.
If you couldn't read those, scroll more towards the bottom of this post before the introduction on how to read Japanese font. Just incase all those came out as a bunch of weird squares/symbols or question marks to you, here's a picture of what it look liked. Anyway, here's all the faces incase you were wondering what they are: (some of them might be cutoff by a part of it going down to the next line) I'll also show you how to manipulate the file to your liking.

There's also an advanced version for people who can actually read/understand Japanese. I pretty much made a few files which have around 300 preprogrammed Kaomoji you can play with and use whenever. We've all seen stuff like and ^^ which are Kaomoji but not true Japanese ones we've seen on popular Japanese forums or on random stuff like anime or chat in Japanese games like Final Fantasy XI. I'll start out with Kaomoji since that's the main point in the topic but I'll have a section on how to type and read Japanese fonts just incase you don't know and introduce myself at the end since this is my first post. Always wanted to type those cute Japanese facey's you've seen on Japanese forums/elsewhere with ease? Well I decided to help you guys out a bit since it doesn't look like there's been a topic about this yet nor one on exactly how to type and read Japanese font (I've seen a few but were just on random posts).