But, and please stay with me here, why don’t we just try and see the beauty that stares back at us when we’re in front of the mirror. It’s a daily conversation with myself I have to have and honestly, some days it takes longer than others to get the message through. It’s something that I have to work at and practice constantly. I know, because it’s something I struggle with. I know it’s hard, it’s so freaking hard to look in the mirror sometimes and think you’re beautiful, it’s so easy to spot the flaws, pick apart the things that we hate. We need to stop fighting that battle with the girl in the mirror because we all know there are so many other battles we have to fight when life throws us a curveball, and they should be where we’re expending our energy…not fighting a war with ourselves.

There is no definition of normal, definitely none of perfect and no exact meaning of what ‘beautiful’ is and we should be embracing that because gosh damn we are all freaking beautiful. We already have so much pressure in life, why do we insist on placing more on ourselves? To look, feel, act, be, do things a certain way when, in truth, we’re perfect just as we are. Not only is Alessia an incredibly talented singer, but these lyrics – and the message behind them – by golly miss molly, I am blown away at how empowering it is. Chances are you’ve heard the song but I wanted to share both the lyrics and the clip with you below incase, like me, you have been hearing this song without actually hearing it… Quite honestly, I was blown away and had tears streaming down my face watching it. I cannot even tell you how many times I had listened to this song without actually listening to it and it wasn’t until one day recently I happened to stumble across the video clip for it and it forced me to take it in and hear the message it was delivering.

Isn’t it funny how you can listen to something time and time again but not really hear it? This was the case for me with the incredible ‘Scars To Your Beautiful’ by Alessia Cara.